目前分類:英文 (2)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

“Awesome! What a flash air!” That was the first time I came to Taitung. Growing up in a city, I had a fantasy about a rural wonderland. I imagined the beautiful scenery while a family sitting around grass enjoying and listening the natural music and playing in the river. It seemed so cozy.


I can understand why some retired people love rural life because I had lived in Taitung for server months. They want to live healthy and enjoy slow life that can make them comfortable. They will have good relationship with the neighbors. But for someone, it is not that much fun. Sometimes it’s very boring and no place that you can have fun. It’s inconvenient for eating and shopping. Despite these difficulties, but I would like to live place this if I retired.


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  1. 威爾斯美語7堂課(著重聽、說)
  2. 丹布朗書房~英文原文書閱讀(書名:39條線索)
  3. 高雄巿攝影協會~攝影課
  4. 高雄巿團康協會~志工培訓
  5. 自學數學進度:排列組合
  6. 自學英文進度:加強單字記憶、句型寫作
  7. 自學國文進度:認識三國、漢代人物
  8. 自學歷史進度:春秋與戰國、秦漢時期 



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